I Will Build AND Host Your Blog AND Teach You How To Turn It Into A

List-Building, Sale-Making, Powerhouse!

Hello, my name is Charlie Page and I want to help you succeed with blogging.

It's my mission, my passion. The reason I am so passionate about helping you succeed with blogging is simple.

Blogging put my business in high gear!

Before I had my blog I felt alone and unable to get the word out about how I could help others. If I wanted to promote a product I needed to buy an ad and take my chances.

Now I just put a banner or announcement on my blog, or send a message to my list, and the job is done.

Speaking of list building, if I wanted to build my mailing list I had to buy traffic, send them to a squeeze page and hope for the best. While that method can work, it is far better to send visitors to a blog where you can nourish them with helpful free content before asking for an opt in or sale.

And now a major concern is sweeping across the Internet ...

More and more advertising sources are NOT ALLOWING traffic to go to a squeeze page.

Some huge advertisers (like Facebook) are strongly suggesting (read, soon to require) that you drive clicks to content, not to a "pitch" page.

Just last week one of my clients had his pay-per-click account banned because his landing page was a squeeze page! I did warn him but he acted on his own anyway. If you have ever been punished by a huge search engine, you know there is no room for discussion or appeal. You are just out of luck.

And just look at this from Digital Marketer, one of the top marketing blogs on the entire Internet.

And they TEACH Facebook advertising! Their conclusion is sound - sending all clicks to content first just works better. You still build your list and make sales. In fact, you do both faster and better.

Sending all traffic to content works for one simple reason - it follows the pattern of normal human behavior. Just like you would not ask a girl to marry you on the first date, asking people to buy on their first visit to your site just no longer works.

We all have to ask ourselves this vital question.

What will you do when the search engines and social networks says "no" to sending clicks to ANY squeeze page?

Content marketing with your own blog solves this major problem instantly. I will show you how it's done.

Major online marketing agencies are advising clients to get into content marketing FAST! That is because content marketing is gaining massive amounts of momentum as the best possible marketing method online.

If you have a story to share or a product to promote I can help you get it done.

If you have a cause to promote, want to find JV partners or pre-sell your next product content marketing is the most proven path possible. And it carries the lowest possible costs too!

If you act now you still have time to get ahead of the content marketing curve. It does not matter what niche you are in, content marketing is going to be the dominant marketing force for the next five years.

Today is the day to start building your content marketing presence the right way.

If you want to have a professional online presence, build your own mailing list and sell as many products as you want from one site then you want what content marketing can do for you! And today is the day to get started.

If you do NOT have a blog now

I WILL BUILD IT FOR YOU the right way!

I will even host it for a full year and show you how to fill it up with content that helps people. You will have a real platform, a home base from which to build a real online business. A place to build your list, attract and develop your audience. And a blog that Google will love and respect.

Please understand, this is a YOUR custom blog on your own URL. It is not a sub-blog or cloned blog running on my domain or anything like that. This is YOUR blog and it will reflect your goals, your sense of style and help you look professional. We just do the work for you so you don't have to learn all the technical mumbo jumbo (like FTP or CSS) that hold so many back.

You have heard many times that you need to "take action" to succeed online. But what they don't tell you is that you have to go it alone once you take the action!

With Common Sense Blog Blueprint you will never have to go it alone. We will be there to help you every step along the way.

If you DO have a blog now I can


The videos inside Common Sense Blog Blueprint will give you new insights on how to save time when posting, ideas about new content strategies and more.

And in my exclusive Charlie's Corner you will discover the tips and tricks I use to get more done in less time. And if you ever need another blog you can always request your free blog setup and hosting for your new blog. Many members work in multiple niches and have us build a niche-specific blog for them as their blog building bonus.

Content marketing creates real value for readers, and that creates trust. And trust is what makes sales happen.

Before I had my blog I did not have a permanent home base. An easy address I could give to anyone where they could learn more about what I offer at their own pace. Now I just tell everyone to go to CharliePage.com to learn more about me and find out about all I can do for them. Today my list building is automatic and fun.

All due to my blog.

Because of blogging I ...

  • Have a powerful mailing list that grows every day.

  • Own over 55 membership sites.

  • Became an Amazon best selling author in less than 7 days!

  • Can know, without a doubt, what my customers need and help them get it.

  • Never have to rely on fickle sources of traffic like guaranteed clicks or visitors.

  • Gain new subscribers and customers every day of the year automatically!

  • Recently surpassed over 11,000 comments from loyal readers.

I can teach you how to do the same things I do with YOUR own blog!

You see, success with blogging and content marketing is not reserved for the lucky few who were "there" when it started. Nor is it only for those who can write like a Pulitzer Prize winner or have some deep and unique knowledge of a specific industry.

Nor is success with content marketing reserved for the "super salesman" who never met a stranger and could sell ice in Alaska.

No matter who you are I can help you succeed with content marketing. Our members include..

  • Personal trainers.

  • Financial consultants.

  • Men and women wanting to leave the corporate world to create their own busine

  • People with deep knowledge or a passion who want to share information

  • People just starting out with affiliate marketing.

  • People selling dog training courses.

  • People selling network marketing opportunities.

  • People with offline businesses who want to go online to expand their business.

  • People who in the personal development niche - coaches and information sellers alike..

  • People promoting today's hottest business opportunities.

  • People in the travel and entertainment niches.

  • And many more.

If you believe I can help you like I am helping them then it only makes sense to become a member of Common Sense Blog Blueprint today!

Content marketing


Many people worry that they can't "compete" with mega sites like Huffington Post or Copyblogger. The good news is ... you don't have to compete with them or anyone else!

The reality of content marketing is this. If you provide the information a person needs you become an authority to them!

Imagine that your daughter has a high fever at 3am. You want to give her an over the counter medicine you know works, but are not sure if she is too young to take it. What do you do?

If you are like many people you call a local pharmacy. You get the pharmacist on duty and ask your question. She says it will be fine. Relieved, you give your daughter the medicine and she gets better. Everyone is happy and a costly trip to the emergency room is avoided.

Now think about this - did you write down the name of the pharmacist?

Did you ask her where she went to school or what her grade point average was? If you are like most people you did not ask any of those things. But you DO remember the name of the pharmacy. And you feel good about them because you received the help you needed when you needed it.

Blogging is just like that.

If your blog provides the helpful information people need they will remember you and come back for more.

And I can teach you how to find and publish that helpful information!

How many times have you needed an answer to a question, found a site or article that had the information you needed, read it and moved on? If you are like most people, the answer is that you have done that hundreds of times.

But here is something you very likely did not do ... you very likely did not check the author's name before you read the article!

And that is the beauty, and power, of content marketing!

If your blog puts out good information people will read it. And once they become readers they will subscribe to your lists, get to know and like you and then buy the products you sell or recommend.

It happens every day. And it can happen for you!

You see, people want helpful information and THEY DO NOT CARE who provides it. They just want an answer.

If you provide it, you win. End of story. So beautifully simple.

But how will they find you?

That's a great question. We all know that there are many blogs online, right? So how will real people find your blog so they can read it, like you and buy from you? There are three ways you can do this. And I will teach you all three.

Method 1 - Common Sense SEO

I'm not talking black hat methods that get you banned. In fact, quite the opposite. I'm talking about conservative SEO methods that work like crazy. These are the same tools I use to get my blog posts to the top of Google. Best of all, they only take minutes to accomplish.

You see, Google must have high quality information to share with searchers. And they do not care where it comes from. They will value your article just a highly as an article from anyone else if you play your cards right. If they don't have enough information they go out of business.

So when you provide them with high quality relevant information, and let them know how to find you, they become your ally and not your enemy.

Imagine having Google IN your corner for a change. When done right, content marketing makes that happen. But you can publish articles until the cows come home and get no visitors if you do it wrong. We show you how to do it right.

Method 2 - Social Media

Social media can be a huge time drain or it can be your best friend. We will show you how to tie your social media accounts in with your blog so that every time you post your social accounts are updated. This one automatic step is so powerful. Most people have a Facebook page or Twitter account. But they don't post enough to get noticed.

Now your blog posts will do triple duty, helping readers, improving your SEO and updating your social accounts as well!

Method 3 - For members only.

I'd love to share method 3 publicly but it must be reserved for our members. I hope you understand.

Please understand, I am offering you access to a site that can make a difference in your business. And I am doing that at a price that is deeply discounted. And I am offering my own insights inside the course. So you will have what you need to make a strong start with content marketing.

But the key is acting. If you don't act now I can't promise the site will be open forever, or the price won't go up.

But what I can absolutely guarantee is this - if you delay getting started you will lose days or weeks (or worse) in moving toward your content marketing success story.

Content marketing works wonderfully well. And you still have time to get ahead of the trend. But you need to begin today by becoming a member of Common Sense Blog Blueprint. Because when you do we will go to work for you. We will build a powerful blog for you. It's yours. And we will teach you how to run that blog and achieve your goals from owning that blog.

So why listen to me?

I walk the walk with content marketing every day. And yes, I make a very handsome living by blogging.

I'm not going to do that thing that you see so many do and show you my bank statements or my car or my house or my Clickbank account.

If you know me at all, you know that's not me.

What I will do is say I have made a full time living online for over 15 years. And that I am a top Clickbank affiliate and vendor too.

And an Amazon best selling author.

And owner of the Directory of Ezines and 20 other membership sites.

And that we are blessed to serve over 23,000 paying members.

So my hope is that I can take all that experience and share with you how I succeed with blogging so you can succeed with blogging too!

I will build and host

your CUSTOM blog!

And help you succeed with content marketing!


Your Platinum Plus Membership Is Loaded With Value!


Having your own platform, your own home base, is no longer an option. If you want to compete in today’s world you simply must have what only a blog can give you.

Just like you would never build a house on rented land, using social media or a free blog as your primary platform is a mistake with devastating results. If the social media companies, or free blogging platforms change their rules you are out of business with no recourse.

I know because I have seen clients suffer this exact fate. And it’s not pretty. Years of hard work gone because someone in Silicon Valley woke up and decided that placing ads on your own blog is a no-no. Ridiculous.

Listen, I want you to become a member of Common Sense Blog Blueprint. I make no apologies for wanting to help my clients and giving them every competitive advantage possible.

Your blog must be structured to scale and grow and provide automatic list building and be both mobile and search engine friendly.

Content marketing IS the future. Take advantage of this powerful trend today!


This is no cookie cutter blog. This is custom work.

I pay my web hosting company and my personal graphic designer to work directly with you.

In fact, you will hear from both of them as we are building your blog. Working with my team, and based on my 15 years of experience, we have chosen the very best WordPress theme to use.

You will get to choose between theme options (such as boxed or full width) and we will advise you every step along the way.

Plus … my graphics guy will design a custom header just for your blog!

Your blog will stand out by having your customizations in place but you will not have to do the technical work! We do the technical work for you!

We set up the hosting.

We install WordPress.

We install the best WordPress theme.

We install the plugins you will need.

We customize the site to fit your and your business or offers.

And then we hand it to you to run, using what you learn inside Common Sense Blog Blueprint! All you do is register a domain name (we can help you choose one) and let us do the rest!

NOTE: After the first year hosting is a mere $30 per year! If you would rather switch from my hosting company after the first year that’s 100% okay too.

We don’t make any money on hosting CS Blog Blueprint blogs. We just provide massive value to members!


As a member of Common Sense Blog Blueprint you get access to our always updated video teaching, our incredible support staff and more.

Inside your blog you will find video lessons that take you through the process of blogging in very small steps that are easy to understand and follow. We use video because we know once you see how to do a thing you will be able to do it too.

These videos run the gambit from very beginning questions like “What is WordPress” to much more advanced topics. All are short and easy to follow. I know you will love them. And we don’t force you into some arbitrary learning system! You choose which videos you want to watch when you want to watch them.

The entire site is open to you on day 1 of your membership!


Only members of Common Sense Blog Blueprint can promote the site.

Our affiliate program is run by Clickbank, the most trusted name in affiliate marketing, but is completely private.

Platinum Plus members earn a 75% commission, which means you earn hundreds per sale!

This gives you the best of both worlds – the reliability of Clickbank (they have never missed a payment) and the exclusivity you need to promote to a wide open audience of prospects.

Content marketing is hot and only getting hotter. You know it’s true because you hear about it every day. Now you can cash in on this mega-trend by promoting a site you own, love and will be proud to promote.

Best of all, no one is going to rob you of your commissions by buying under their own link!

Because only members can promote you will not be competing with every newbie affiliate on Clickbank or all those “review” sites who will say anything to get their links clicked.

Just SOME Of The Benefits Of Membership!

  • We Build YOUR Custom Blog. We Will Even Host It FREE For A Full Year!


  • Video Teaching That Is Continuously Updated To The Most Current Version Of WordPress.

  • No questions left unanswered! You Will Master WordPress In Baby Steps

  • A Full Resource Center So You Never Have To "Google And Hope" When Looking For Resources

  • Pre-Written Articles You Can Use As Content Starters For Your Blog!

  • Downloadable Graphics To Make Your Blog Pop!

  • And More!

And Even More!

  • Charlie's Corner - A Personal Area Where Charlie Shares Insights, Tips And More From His 15 Years Online!

  • Access To Our Private Affiliate Program. Only Members Can Become Affiliates!

  • Specific Blueprints To Help You Achieve Blogging Success Faster! Follow The Steps And Grow!

  • Quick Courses From Charlie - Need To Understand Important Topics Like Guest Blogging. You'll Love These!

  • Exclusive Success Checklists - Use These To Save Time And Completely Eliminate Confusion

  • And Even More!

This is a screenshot of one of the module pages. Lessons are easy to follow, easy to apply, and all on one simple page.

You get 23 videos revealing exactly how to build and customize your WordPress blog. Plus tons of extras like our entire Resource Section, Members Only Bonuses, access to Charlie's Corner, and much more!

Order today and be placed on the JV level for 75% commissions!

Why Become A Member?

  • We build and host your blog for you. It's your blog. We just do the work!

  • Earn a whopping 75% commission!

  • Step-by-step teaching videos for every level of member, from the newest newbie to the most advanced.

  • Full written transcripts and fill in the blank success guides for every video!

  • Tools and resources to help you improve your current blog!

  • Constantly updated to the current WordPress version!

  • Ask Charlie any question about blogging and get a personal answer!

Members Love Common Sense Blog Blueprint!

"This is absolutely ingenious, the best I´ve ever seen. You put it all together in one blog. It helps me a lot to finish my blog. Thank you very much !"

Heinz Regniet

"Charlie you have done it again! I have been “working” with you for almost three years now – first DOE then Follow Up Selling Systems. And now this – Common Sense Blog Blueprint is another incredible source for you to show us how. Thank you – Thank you – Thank you. If there is an Internet Marketing Hall of Fame you are eligible – immediately!!!

Jack Caggz

"I have been out of circulation for quite a while and now I have the time determination to move forward and get things done and I do not think there is a better person to help me to my goal than Charlie as I have long been an admirer of his blogs and his down to earth thoughts. Thanks Charlie"

John Hardwicke

"Hi Charlie – you are over delivering again and I thank you for that – I really need help to finish my blog and I am sure that your help advices will help me here. Thanks again"

Roger Herbert

"Hello Charlie, I am a member of two of your sites and I just cannot stress enough how you are helping me every day. I am new in this industry and I really feel like you are my friend doing everything to help me. Really appreciated. Sometimes I watch your videos just to listen to your voice 🙂 Thank you sooooo much. You are doing a great work."

Zuzana Tumova

100% Money Back Guarantee!

You are protected by a full 60-Day money back guarantee! If, for any reason during those first 60 days, you aren't satisfied with Common Sense Blog Blueprint just let us know. You'll be issued a full refund, no-questions asked.

Have A Question About Common Sense Blog Blueprint?


Is the blog you build for me my blog or a copy of your blog?

This is a very important question so please take a moment to read this answer. This is the #1 question we get about Common Sense Blog Blueprint.

The blog we build for you is your blog. We just do the work of building and hosting it. But it belongs to you. It is your blog. You can change it, add content to it, even sell it if you want!

This is 100% your blog. You own it and can do anything you want with it. We just do the work of building it and hosting it for the first year.


How much is hosting after the free, first year?

If you want to stay with my hosting company after the first year the cost is $30 per year.

I don’t own the hosting company but have used them for over 10 years now. They do a great job on all of my sites and will do a great job for you too.

If you want to move your site to another hosting company you can do that with only a few clicks. We will show you how and help you get it done.

If you have a hosting account now and don’t want to use our hosting at all that’s fine with us. We will still build your blog for you on your own hosting account!


Do you put content on the blog for me?

While we don’t put content on your site for you we do teach you how to do that inside Common Sense Blog Blueprint.

Inside the members area you will find teaching about writing articles, guest posting, curation and more.

Adding content to your site is easy once you know how. CSBB teaches you how.


Can I make changes to the blog you build for me?

Absolutely! This is your blog and you can change it in any way you want at any time you want. You can add content, change the theme, add plugins or do anything else you want with your own blog.

Having us build your blog only means we do the technical work. We don’t own your blog (you do) and we don’t own the content you put on the blog (you do).

Once we deliver your blog to you you are free to do anything you want or change it in any way you like.

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